• CaliberMatch
    Everyone Deserves Love!

    Being single and dating is confusing and frustrating these days. Obviously SOMETHING isn't working. You know love is out there waiting for you, but you're not sure where else to look. That's where we come in.

    We are experts at listening to what you want and also finding what you really need. With us, you don't just get a matchmaker; you get a friend who always has your best interests in mind.

    Finally – your solution to finding love!



Matchmakers for the Gay and Lesbian Community



Ah, the elusive "love". You probably feel like you've already tried everything possible to find real love in Indiana. You've tried same sex dating sites, gay or lesbian dating services, speed dating, LGBT events or mixers, maybe even gay bars. But they yield the same result, which is minimal at best. You're ready to take the next step. You're ready for a committed relationship, but you don't know any other options. What about a professional Indianapolis matchmaker that specializes in gay matchmaking? Unfortunately, most of the top matchmakers don't offer services to the gay community. Lucky for you, we do. It's time to let us do what we do best - take the struggle out of finding love. If you're gay, single and looking in Indianapolis, Evansville, Bloomington, Fort Wayne or anywhere in between, we can help!

CaliberMatchBookIt's time to stop settling for just finding a
date - it's time to find YOUR Caliber Match.
Indianapolis Gay Matchmaking

Professional Matchmaking

When it's time to get serious about finding love, we can help. We specialize in LGBT matchmaking and have a national network of amazing gay singles and lesbian singles and our process for finding your match is unparalleled. So no matter where you're located or where you're looking, we can help you! Love is personal, and so are we.

Relationship & Dating Coaching

We could all use some extra support in this crazy game called dating. All of our matchmaking clients receive date coaching and advice throughout the entire process. Sometimes you just need a little extra help and insight while finding love.

Personal Discovery Consultation

Whether you're ready to hire a professional matchmaker or not, if you know you need someone to talk to regarding dating issues or personal issues, we also offer a Personal Discovery Consultation. Do you need some expert dating advice so you can be more effective in finding real love?



When searching for a quality partner, most people are limited to their social circle (the people they know). This can be very frustrating. Many people will then turn to the internet for one of thousands of dating sites. You now face new obstacles… weeding through fake profiles, non-responses and endless emails, only to end up still alone. A matchmaker physically searches for real people and introduces them when they are a match. Just think… no more endless emails, no more non-responses. You can get matched with real people and connect.



Founder, CEO, Owner
Relationship and Dating Expert


Make the choice to take the first step. Let our highly skilled and professional matchmakers find out who you are and what you're looking for.
We will take care of the rest.


Everyone needs love in their life. It's a basic need. It's third in Maslow's hierarchy of needs: 1) Physiological (food, water and oxygen), 2) Safety, and then 3) Love/Belonging. Trying to convince yourself that you're fine without love is futile. And everyone DESERVES love. For some, the journey to find love is easier than for others. If you've struggled up to this point to find the right partner, it's OK. There is hope moving forward. There is help.

Looking for love in the gay community presents its own set of challenges. Maybe you're not finding the high caliber single men or women you desire. Maybe you haven't had success with the gay mixers and events, gay online dating sites, gay singles and dating services, gay bars, or any of the services that claim to cater to the gay community. Or maybe you don't even want to try those options. Maybe you've already met all the potential partners you can through social circles and family. It honestly doesn't matter what you've tried already, the most important thing is that there's help in your future

Whether you're looking for a man or a woman, we have access to other elite singles that are also looking for real love and a committed relationship. Our premier matchmaker team specializes in screening and vetting all of your potential matches before you meet them.

Caliber Matchbook, powered by the highly-reputable Caliber Match, is a national gay matchmaking firm. We have scouts, a gay singles network, and matchmaking teams throughout the entire United States. No matter where you live, we have the ability to help! If we don't already have amazing matches for you, we will go out and search for them! That sets us apart from every other gay matchmaker out there. We make high caliber matches, not just matches!

Look, it's probably not that you can't find a DATE. It's that you haven't found your caliber match yet. That's where we come in. Caliber Matchbook's professional matchmaker team is dedicated to searching for your perfect match, finding them, and introducing you to them. We measure our own success by the love we create and the connections we make. When our clients find love, we all win! Love is love, and everyone deserves love in their life.

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